We are there when a family’s homelessness is imminent, and we work to avoid the trauma of a family losing their housing. TRP does this through:
Keeping families out of shelter is good public policy and good fiscal policy. When families have lost housing and reach out to TRP, we provide alternatives to shelter, including:
TRP is an organization connecting one person at a time to social capital relationships.
Programming after shelter helps families remain housed. These structured programs provide continued support and reduce the risk of a family’s re-entry into homelessness. Examples include:
In addition to the many initiatives and programs available when families reach out to us in crisis, we organize around community partners to offer:
Every day, TRP team members connect people who are struggling with mental, spiritual, and financial support.
social capital
[ so·cial cap·i·tal | sō-shəl ka-pə-tᵊl ] , (noun, adjective)
Social capital relationships are resources that involves the potential of individuals to secure benefits and invent solutions to problems through membership in social networks.